Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rosemary Garlic Rolls

And now, for something completely different...a savory recipe!

I really love sweet breads, but sometimes savory really hits the spot. I've decided to experiment with some rosemary olive bread recipes. However, I decided to try adding garlic instead of olives because olives really turn some people off. Given an olive loaf, Mar and I would eat the whole thing in 10 seconds flat. So, this is really just a way of making sure we don't load up on carbs this week :]


- 1 cup warm milk
- 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon sugar or honey
- 1 tablespoon olive oil, plus extra for brushing and coating
- a few cups of flour (I think I ended up using 4 or so), plus extra for kneading
- 2-3 teaspoons salt
- a couple tablespoons of garlic
- a couple tablespoons of dried rosemary (if you use fresh, use more)

1. Stir the milk, yeast, and yeast food (i.e., your sweetener) in a large bowl. Wait a couple of minutes until the yeast starts to bubble and froth.

2. Add the olive oil. Stir in the flour, cup by cup, until the dough comes together and is slightly sticky, but not wet. You will most likely need to use your hands to mix the dough after the second or third cup of flour.

3. Knead your dough on a clean, lightly floured surface. The dough should combine to be smooth and springy to the touch. Form the dough into a bread baby (a nice ball), coat it generously with olive oil, and place it into a clean bowl to rise. The bread baby should be loosely covered with a clean dishcloth and should rise for about an hour, or until it essentially doubles in size.

4. Near the end of the rising, mince the garlic. If you want, chop a half cup of kalamata olives, too. I chose to leave them out because 2 of my roommates aren't the biggest fans of them. Once the bread baby has doubled in size, knead in the garlic, rosemary, and optional olives. Grease a 16-muffin muffin tin with olive oil. Cut the bread baby into 16 equal pieces, roll them into individual balls, and place them into the greased muffin tins. Cover the tins and allow the dough to proof for an hour.

5. Brush the rolls with olive oil. Bake them in a 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes, or until they are golden brown. Enjoy them with olive oil or butter as a savory snack, or use them to wipe up pasta sauce!

Peace, love, and cute little rolls,



  1. Your pictures make me want to eat the computer screen, but I have a feeling that would end badly.

  2. Just ate these with pasta puttanesca-- YUM.
