Friday, April 1, 2011

It's Friday, Friday

Hi everyone,

First, enjoy this mashup of Katy Perry and Rebecca Black to start off your Friday:

So, I'm sorry for the lack of updates recently. I thought that I would have a ton of time to bake to my heart's content at home, but instead I've been applying to jobs and doing homework. Boo. I did get a chance to make a whole wheat version of Kelsey's Honey Oat Bread, which was delish! But I didn't feel like posting a repeat. Oh well.

Is there baked good you would like to see on La Panadera Desnuda? Comment with a bread/baked good suggestion and/or recipe, and I will feature it on the blog next week! Don't worry if you don't have a recipe-- I can usually figure out one of my own.

Peace, Love, and Cadbury Creme Eggs,
